Osteochondrosis is wear and tear of the intervertebral discs, which leads to degenerative organic changes in the spine. Osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine is considered the rarest because this section is the least mobile due to its ligament with the ribs. But it is this that occurs most insidiously and severely, and develops earlier than other types. Treatment of osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine is characterized by an integrated approach and leads to good results. With a competent approach to therapy, a person can regain mobility, lightness and life without pain.
The main factors causing the development of osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine include:
- Kyphosis and scoliosis. These diseases often accompany a person from birth, as an anatomical anomaly. If kyphosis is smoothed out, then a person may not know about its existence for half his life. Scoliosis is a curvature of the spine that leads to impaired distribution of muscle load. As a result, on the one hand, the muscles will be atrophied and relaxed, and on the other, they will be spasmed due to constant tension.
- Injuries. They can be obvious when a person injures the vertebrae in a fall, accident or other similar circumstances. The injuries may not be noticeable. For example, spinal injuries are common due to overuse in the gym and heavy lifting.
- Flat feet. Some doctors argue that this is almost the main reason for the development of degenerative changes in any part of the spine. Flat feet disrupt the balancing of the muscular corset; improper redistribution of the load leads to impaired depreciation of the vertebrae.
- Statically incorrect body position for a long time. As a result of muscle overstrain, blood circulation and nutrition of muscle tissue deteriorate. Namely, they hold the spine. This is the cause not only of osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine, but also of the cervical and lumbar spine.
- Excess weight and lack of sufficient physical activity.
- Stress. Stress itself is not as dangerous as the reaction to it. During stress, the adrenal glands produce excessive amounts of adrenaline, which is transformed into norepinephrine. It promotes thickening of the walls of blood vessels and the progression of atherosclerosis. In stressful conditions, blood vessels narrow, which leads to poor oxygen supply to muscle tissue.
- Alcohol consumption, smoking, use of other drugs and poor diet. Alcohol leaches calcium from bone tissue. Tobacco and other drugs lead to improper functioning of blood vessels. Serious errors in nutrition lead to obesity, lack of B vitamins and minerals.
- Improper wearing of bags and shoes.
- Gastrointestinal diseases that affect the quality of nutrient absorption.
- Violation of water and electrolyte balance over a long period of time.
- Pregnancy. Thoracic osteochondrosis often occurs in women who are pregnant with twins or triplets.
- Metabolic syndrome.
- Autoimmune diseases, infections, intoxications.
- Genetic predisposition associated with a genetic mutation. You should not think that genetic predisposition is necessarily associated with the fact that one of your close relatives suffered from osteochondrosis. Often, this has nothing to do with genetics. Genetic predisposition is always a mutation of certain genes. But even so, the disease will develop only in combination with other factors.
The disease can occur both in adulthood and in youth. Every year the disease gets younger. Therefore, it is important to recognize the problem as early as possible by paying attention to the symptoms.
Degenerative changes in the thoracic spine cause great concern to a person. The chest area contains the heart, lungs, internal organs of the abdominal cavity, ribs, and in women the mammary glands. Symptoms in this location may be similar to an attack of angina, heart attack, or pain in the stomach, mammary glands, or any other neighboring organ. Therefore, when osteochondrosis makes itself felt, it is often mistaken for other dangerous pathologies.
Symptoms and treatment of osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine are interrelated due to two types of clinical picture.
Radicular signs
Radicular symptoms:
- pain shooting or aching in the shoulder, armpits or collarbone;
- impaired reflexes;
- muscle weakness;
- pain in the upper thoracic region, similar to a heart attack, in the solar plexus, in the hypochondrium, pain in the mammary glands, in the upper abdomen or in the groin area.
Reflex signs
- respiratory disorders such as a feeling of lack of air, pain during inhalation and exhalation, difficulty breathing;
- feeling of chills, "goosebumps";
- feeling of disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract: nausea, loss of appetite, heartburn, diarrhea or constipation, bloating;
- intercostal neuralgia;
- pain in the chest of a girdling nature, between the shoulder blades, during bending and straightening;
- insomnia, feeling tired with enough sleep, fatigue;
- stiffness of movement in the morning;
- worsening gait;
- irritability;
- decreased libido/potency.
Reflex symptoms are more vague than radicular ones and are often misunderstood by doctors. Therefore, it is very important to find a competent doctor who will take the patient’s complaints seriously and prescribe the correct treatment for thoracic osteochondrosis, especially during an exacerbation.
The gold standard for diagnosing thoracic osteochondrosis is an MRI of the thoracic spine and examination by a neurologist.
MRI shows exactly the anatomical structure, changes, compression, blood flow, and a visual picture of the effect on the spinal cord. Also, the study demonstrates possible complications of the disease such as protrusions, osteophytes, hernias and their effect on blood flow.
As before, an examination by a competent doctor plays an important role in making a diagnosis.
Many have heard that it is impossible to completely get rid of osteochondrosis, but you can only slow down its development. This is a half-truth. You can get rid of hernias, osteophytes, and other complications of the disease. You can regain your life without pain and ease of movement and restore your intervertebral discs. There is a great chance to stop the destruction process, returning the spine to its previous state as much as possible. Some people managed to completely get rid of the pathology, while others did not. Everything is individual and depends on the state of health, readiness to overcome difficulties, and patience.
You must be prepared for the fact that treatment for osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine will take a long time. On average, active participation will require 1-3 months. But even then, life will no longer be the same due to the need for regular and proper physical activity for at least a year.
In this case, finances and time are not an excuse for refusing treatment, since you can fight the disease both in a hospital or sanatorium and at home. The most convenient option is in a sanatorium. There, the patient is supported by a group of people with the same problems, but the conditions are positive and homely. The medical staff is always tactful and caring. There you can relax and receive treatment without a hospital atmosphere, but with all the necessary medical services.
Therapy consists of several stages:
- getting rid of pain (wearing a special corset, taking painkillers, undergoing procedures);
- restoration of damaged spinal discs and preventive measures against the progression of the disease (physiotherapy, gymnastics, proper nutrition, help from a psychologist).
Drug treatment is also used, but it is considered as a last resort when other methods do not help. In the most severe cases and with dangerous hernias, surgery is prescribed.
The most important rule is no self-medication or self-diagnosis. Mistakes can be very costly.
Treatment at home
If you don’t have time or don’t have enough financial resources for treatment in a clinic or sanatorium, you can achieve impressive results in getting rid of osteochondrosis at home. The recommendations below will help you cope with the disease.
It is necessary to introduce into the diet foods that help accelerate metabolism in case of excess weight and the regeneration of cartilage tissue. It is important that the food you eat is rich in nutrients, microelements, antioxidants, polyunsaturated fatty acids, vitamins and is easily digestible.
You need to eat 4-5 times a day every 2. 5-3 hours, preferably at the same time. Portions should be no more than 300 g, so as not to overload the stomach and liver. Three meals should contain 26-30 g of protein. Protein is essential for building muscle tissue. Thus, metabolism will speed up, the body will stop accumulating fat, and the cells will receive constant nutrition.
The first breakfast and dinner should be predominantly protein. For example, egg white and cucumber. The main principle of the first and last meals is the absence of insulin spikes, which is achieved by eliminating carbohydrates. Cucumber, although a carbohydrate, has a low glycemic index. Protein without a small amount of fat and carbohydrates is not digestible.
Recommended Products:
- legumes as a protein substitute for meat (beans, including green beans, lentils, peas);
- vegetables in large quantities (with the exception of starchy ones, which should be consumed with caution);
- jelly and jelly (contain natural collagen, necessary for joints);
- chicken wings (the bones must be gnawed, it is their contents that are most valuable);
- poultry, red meat in limited quantities;
- salmon fish, caviar and milt;
- squid, seaweed (no more than 100 g at a time);
- olive oil, camelina oil, flaxseed oil (if there are no liver problems), sesame oil; adults should avoid sunflower oil;
- fruits in limited quantities with low sugar content
It is advisable to boil, steam, stew or eat all dishes fresh.
The drinking regime is mandatory, since the required amount of water provides relief from dehydration, cellular nutrition and promotes weight loss. The daily water intake is calculated using a simple formula: 30 x weight. Tea, coffee, herbal infusions, juices, and fruit drinks are not considered water.
Physical exercise

Physical exercise is an integral part of the treatment of osteochondrosis of any part of the spine. The following techniques may be included:
- Gymnastics developed by scientist Yuri Gushcho. It includes elements of dynamic and static yoga. He also advises carrying out hardening procedures. If you are interested, you can read his book "12 Keys to the Longevity Safe, " in which he talks about what to do to live as long as possible while being active. It makes sense to trust him, because Yuri independently lifted himself out of a wheelchair and recovered from coxarthrosis. He has many awards, gratitude from the President of the Russian Federation.
- Gymnastics using the technologies of Dr. Bubnovsky. His technique is quite effective and can be done at home. A set of exercises can be found on the Internet in video format, and books with full instructions are also available.
- Pool. Swimming not only helps you lose weight, but also strengthens your heart, lungs and develops your back muscles.
- Isometric gymnastics. This type of exercise was first developed for astronauts returning home. Exercises allow, without damaging the joints, to restore weakened muscles, restore flexibility and ease of movement. Gymnastics is indicated for many pathologies of the musculoskeletal system, including osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine.
- Walks in the open air. It is advisable to spend an hour every day for intense walks, preferably in park areas or along the coast. The goal is to improve cerebral circulation, muscle nutrition, and mood.
- Exercises to correct posture.
Complete rest
It is imperative to develop the habit of going to bed and waking up at the same time. Ideally, go to bed at 21 o'clock and wake up at 5-6 am. During this time, the brain manages to restore the functioning of the internal systems of the body, the psyche and process all the information that it received the day before. This is especially important for spinal health.
To sleep, you need to choose the right mattress and pillow. It is better to forget about too soft or hard options.
Treatment in a hospital or sanatorium
Manual therapy
This is an effect on the patient’s body with the help of hands in order to restore metabolism and give the spine the correct shape. The procedure consists of manipulations to restore joint function, relaxing massage to relieve pain and muscle tension, mobilization to improve blood circulation and relaxation.
The duration of treatment is about 3 months.
In the treatment of degenerative changes in the thoracic spine, both classical therapeutic and acupressure types of massage are used. The massage therapist works with the muscle fibers of the upper back and shoulders in order to influence the thoracic region.
Mineral baths
During the procedure, the hemodynamics of the body changes. This means that blood is directed from the center to the periphery and from there to the heart, which drives it through all organs and tissues. Thus, the following effects are achieved:
- blood circulation improves;
- the nervous system is strengthened;
- The respiratory system and kidneys work better;
- the adaptive properties of the body increase;
- reduction of inflammation;
- relief from pain;
- removal of toxins;
- skin sensitivity increases.
The chemical composition of water affects the effect of a mineral bath on the body of a patient suffering from osteochondrosis. Water temperature affects muscle relaxation and metabolic processes.

Also, this procedure is called acupuncture or acupuncture. Its essence lies in influencing biological points of the human body with the help of needles. Long and short sterile needles are inserted to a depth of up to 15 mm and left for half an hour.
This seemingly simple procedure has proven itself all over the world. Reviews from patients indicate the following effects after completing a course of acupuncture procedures:
- relaxation;
- cessation of tinnitus and dizziness;
- increasing energy potential;
- improved blood flow;
- improvement of thought processes;
- getting rid of headaches;
- relieving muscle spasms.
Laser therapy
The advantage of laser therapy is improving the penetration of drugs and normalizing the adaptive properties of the body. During the procedure, laser beams of a certain range are exposed to the areas of the spine that need treatment. The result of exposure is an anti-inflammatory effect, normalization of metabolism in the affected area, improvement of general well-being, the process of tissue regeneration starts, and the process of degeneration stops.
As a result of completing a full course of procedures as part of complex therapy, the degenerative process can be completely reversed.
Mud therapy
This procedure is beneficial not only for the spine, but also for the entire body. The only thing is that it cannot be used in the acute phase of osteochondrosis.
The effects of mud therapy include improving the trophism of formations in the intervertebral joints, vascular function, adaptation and recovery processes. Also, the functioning of the nervous system is normalized, pain disappears.
Working with a psychologist
Since with osteochondrosis a person experiences constant stress, anxiety states often develop. A psychologist not only helps to get rid of them, but also stimulates in moments of despair and fatigue. A positive attitude plays an important role in treatment.
Exercise therapy
The treatment procedure is carried out in groups of several people and includes exercises taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient and his medical history. The emphasis is on improving joint function and strengthening the muscle corset. Without exercise, full recovery is unlikely.
Nordic walking
This is one of the most effective types of physical activity for osteochondrosis and it is gaining more and more popularity every year.
While walking with poles, 90% of the muscles become toned, active burning of calories occurs, the load is evenly distributed throughout the body, the cardiovascular system is strengthened, intestinal function is improved, the nervous system and psyche are strengthened, the functions of the respiratory system are improved, insomnia disappears, blood vessels are strengthened, a strong corset is formed around the thoracic spine.
Drug therapy
Drug therapy is used only in the acute phase of osteochondrosis and when other treatment methods are ineffective.
At the height of the disease, painkillers are prescribed, as well as drugs that speed up metabolic processes. Both medications in the form of tablets and injections help.
Groups of medications prescribed:
- Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, which also relieve pain. Available in the form of cream, tablets and ampoules for intravenous or subcutaneous administration.
- Vasodilators. During muscle tension and severe pain, vasoconstriction occurs, as a result, blood pressure may increase and oxygen supply to the brain may become difficult. Vasodilators bring vascular tone back to normal.
- Muscle relaxants. This group of drugs is designed to relax and soothe tense muscles. This effect triggers a chain of beneficial changes such as improved blood circulation, regulation of vascular tone and relief from pain. When blood flow is normalized, damaged tissues are restored faster.
- Chondroprotectors and B vitamins. These are drugs that restore cartilage tissue, stopping the destruction process.
- Complex of sedatives. The stress of pain makes the pain worse. Irritability and anxiety trigger the sympathetic nervous system into action, which leads to even greater tone of muscles and blood vessels. Sedatives and sometimes antidepressants can break this vicious circle.
As you can see, the treatment of osteochondrosis needs to be approached comprehensively, having studied all the nuances. It’s best to turn to specialists, thereby protecting yourself from mistakes.